May Festival

Every May, Wells School held a May Day Festival where the entire school took part including the crowning of a queen and princesses. Below are photos from 1954–1967 ceremonies. Each class either sang, or danced, and selected 5th graders got to wind the May Pole. Parents were invited out to the playground to watch their children perform. PTA parents volunteered to come and help decorate. The girls enjoyed dressing up, the boys did not. This tradition was started by Mrs. Ruth Green Paul, who was principal of Savannah School from 1928 – 1956. Our principal, Mrs. Shuey, incorporated this tradition at Wells School. The earliest known event occurred in May 1954.
Contact us to share a photo, caption or memory.

May Festival, 1954. Buddy Baker crowns Queen Judy Morrison
May Festival, 1954. Buddy Baker crowns Queen Judy Morrison.


Rosemead Review, May13, 1954
“Gay costumes and floral arrays marked the May Day celebration at Wells School Thursday of last week, May 4th. Highlights of the observance included the coronation of Judy Morrison, 12, a sixth grade student, as Queen, and the musical program presented by first through the sixth grade pupils.” (Judy Morrison and Jack Jessee, RHS Class of 1960).

“Queen Judy’s escort was Jack Jessee, 12, also a sixth grader, and her attendants, dressed like Queen in hooped petal gowns, were Darlene Rowe, 12, and Judy Smith, 11. Escorting the attendants were Jerry McGough and Douglas Matlock, both 12-year old sixth grade pupils.”

“Buddy Barker, 12, classmate of the Queen, performed the coronation. Flower girl was Mary Nougier, 6, a first grade pupil, and Philip Ritchie, 7, also of the first grader, was crown bearer.”

“Carl Lindgren, instrumental teacher, directed the band. The Glee Club, led by Mrs. Lois Robinson, sang “May Day Morn,” “In Pride of May,” and “May Time Blossoms.”

“Taking part in the Maypole winding were Bob Matranga, Sam Brame, Kathy Kitterman, Joan Algie, Ronnie Cressman, Ronnie Brooks, Linda O’Toole, Michael Ashley, Dona Gregory, and Janice Showalter.”

“Garland girls were Kathryn Keebaugh, Vicky Lowery, Nancy Lyon, Gail Matranga, Marilyn Morris, Nancy Nougier, Carol Ritchie, Sharon Ross, Sandra Skupien, Carol Stalker, Carole Taylor, Carol Zink, Joan Rushman, Susan Zahler, and Marsha Self.”

“The musical program by children from all the grades, in appropriate costumes, consisted of a rhythm band playing “Strike Up the Band,” by Mrs. George’s first grade; Circus Acts, by Mrs. Cantwell’s first grade; dance of “Seven Steps” by Miss Husman’s and Mrs. Coughran’s second grades; a circle dance, “Yankee Doodle Dandy,” by Mrs. Mann’s and Mrs. Fosnaugh’s third grades: “The Starlight Schottische” by Mrs. Adam’s fourth grade: a spring dance “Waltz of the Flowers” by Miss Bay’s fourth grade; a Virginia Reel by Mrs. Robinson’s fifth grade: an Indian dance by Mr. Stephen’s fifth grade; a square dance “Marching through Georgia” by Mr. Parker’s sixth grade, and a square dance “Bill Bailey,” by Mrs. Thurman’s sixth grade.”

Spring Festival May Pole, 1956
May Festival, 1955. 5th graders winding the May Pole.


May Festival, 1956. Queen Beverly Jessee with (left) Princess Linda O’Toole left, and (right) Sue Burns. The two girls off stage are unidentified.
May Festival, 1956. Queen Beverly Jessee with (left) Princess Linda O’Toole left, and (right) Sue Burns. The two girls off stage are unidentified.

“Nature turned on her charm for the Spring Festival held on the Wells School playgrounds Tuesday, May 3rd. Red and green banners waved gaily as a record crowed entered the portals of Fantasy Land to watch the pageant in which every student in the school participated.”

“The program opened with the chorus singing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” while dancing sprites Dorothy and Patricia Hughes pirouetted around the Maypole. Jester, Richard Schmidt, tumbled to his place before the flower covered dais. Garland girls formed a pathway to the throne while trumpeters announced the arrival of the court. Princesses in flowing pastel gowns and their handsome escorts were Lynn Hamerschlag and William Marshall; Nancy Nouguier and Keith Champlin; Linda O’Toole and Wayne Sangren; Kathryn Keebaugh and Jon Oleson.”

“Flower girl Betsy Seaman scattered petals before Queen Linda Jolley who was escorted by Samuel Brame to her throne. Tommy Gonzales presented the crown to Bill Skinner who placed it upon the Queen’s golden head. While the court retired, Queen Linda gave the signal for the festivities to begin.” (Linda Jolley, RHS 1962)

“Maypole dancers trooped in to weave the bright blue, rose, and green streamers into perfect pattern. The dancing sprites called to each class as their turn came to perform. A Super Man dance was performed expertly by the third grade to the intricate rhythms of De Falla’s Fire Dance. A ballet sequence which included a Drill of the Wooden Soldiers and Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies” displayed the talent of the fourth grade. Other numbers were presented as follows: Shoemaker’s Dance, First grade; Make An Arch, Fifth grade; Circus Acts, First grade; Dutch Dances, Kindergarten. Song, “Rancho Grande” Spanish Club; Chapanecas, Second grade; Parle Vous, Fourth grade; Bingo, Third grade.”

“Richard Schmidt tap danced “Top Hat” and Pamela Binford and Carol Ritchie danced “Espana” to the beat of tambourines.”

“The pageant was brought to a close by the entire school singing ‘Fantasy Hill.’”

“The elaborate production was skillfully directed by Miss Jean Bay who also arranged the choreography. Sound was in charge of Mr. Parker, and members of the Decorating Committee were Mr. Parker, Mr. Stephens, and Mrs. Santiago.”

May Festival, 1956. The princesses are being escorted to the stage.
May Festival, 1956. The princesses are being escorted to the stage.

May Festival. 1957. Queen Esther Thorsan, with Princesses Pam Binford on the left and Susie Jacobsen on the right.
May Festival. 1957. Queen Esther Thorsan, with Princesses Pam Binford on the left and Susie Jacobsen on the right.


“Gay streamers and masses of colorful Spring flowers accented the annual May Day Festival at Wells School on Wednesday, May 1st.”

“Esther Thorson, fifth grade student, was the honored Queen of the event and her Royal Escort was Steven Eicherly. All the students from kindergarten through the fifth grade participated in this spectacular event.”

“Fanfare heralding the entrance of the royal court was by trumpeters John Heppel, Guy Scalzi and Michael Freeman. They marched down an aisle formed by the garland girls Georgia Bland, Lovina Brown, Donna Cline, Linda Compton, Colleen Finstand, Beverly Fowler, Toni Galceran, Judy Hepler, Loralei Hoffman, Linda Isley, Annette Maynard, Cathy Phinney, Linda Price, Maryl Rice, Linda Stafford, Brenda Stevens, Dorothy Stone, Carly Tiber, and Chaarlene Trapp.”

“The princesses in pastel lace dresses and their escorts were Linda Brown and James Wigton, Georgia Le Vato and Billy Williams, Beth Barnard and Joe Anderson, Vicki Moore and Danny Bluff.”

“Flower girls were Patricia Martinez and Virginia Yessian, strewing rose petals in their path.”

“Crown bearer Richard Bahruth, presented the crown to George Child who formally crowned the Queen, while Bobbi Jo Compton presented her with her scepter.”

“The new Wells Band played two numbers: “Easy Steps March” and “German Waltz.”

“The traditional May Pole winding in brilliant colors of crimson, royal blue and chartreuse was performed by Karlene Rander, Robert Kline, Susie Jacobsen, Ronald Bone, Pamela Binford, John Kitterman, Peggy Bond, Richard Byers, Amanda Fay, Steven Essex, Pamela Hall, and Wayne Wilson.”

“The musical program was opened by Mrs. George’s first grade class dancing “Carousel, a Children’s Polka,” “Shoemaker’s Dance,” by both kindergartens with Mrs. Field, then Mrs. Monteleon’s first grade dancing the “Hokey Pokey.”

“The choral club sang “In the Merry, merry Month of May” and “Over the Rainbow.”

“Other dances included “Yankee Doodle” by Mrs. Newcomer’s second and third grade classes, “Virginia Reef” by Mrs. Prince’s and Mrs. Field’s fourth grades. Miss Morton’s and Mr. Florance’s fifth grade classes did the “Black Hawk Waltz” and the Queen’s dance, with the Queen and her court participating. Then Mrs. Coughran’s second grade did the “Seven Steps” and Mrs. Rushmore’s third grade did “Hello, Goodbye.” The program was concluded with the song “Maytime Blossoms” by the queen and her princesses.”

“The decorating committee included Mrs. G. Binford, Mrs. O. Chaplin, Mrs. J. Kitterman, Mrs. C. Rander, Mrs. G. Child, Mrs. C. Wilson, and T. Cressman.”

May Day Festival, May 1, 1958. Mary Rice crowned queen.
May Day Festival, May 1, 1958. Mary Rice crowned queen.

May Day 1958 (Thursday)
“The Queen’s court was composed of: maids of honor, Pamela Binford, Susan Jacobsen, Karlene Rander, Pamela Hall, Colleen Finstad, and Linda Price. Escort to Queen Maryl Rice was Steve Essex; escorts to the maids of honor : Billy Williams, James Wigton, Richard Byers, Bobby Kline, Stephen Shapiro and Denton Jones. Alternates Brenda Stevens and Danny Washburn, master of ceremonies for the coronation was Ronnie Cressman. Flower girls: Ellen Jolley and Christine Rolfe. Scepter bearer: Marlene Harer. Crown bearer: Michael Bloochi.”

“Danny Washburn welcomed the Queen’s subjects and the guests and a fanfare, blown by Bobby Moody and Michael Freeman, ushered in the Queen and her court.”

“Following the coronation ceremony and the seating of the Queen and her princesses on her dias, the Wells School band played “America”, Pleyel’s Hymn” and “Music in the Air.”

“Boys and girls for the May Pole winding were: Brenda Stevens, John Kitterman, Linda Brown, Danny Bluff, Toni Galceran, George Child, Annette Maynard, John Heppel, Evelyn Funk, Bill Halpenny, Linda Reynolds, and Steven Baily. Alternates: Barbara Wisdom and Stephen Bickler.”

“Grade II presented a specialy number, “Hokey Pokey,” the kindergarten gave “The Chimes of Dunkirk” and Grade I presented “Bow, Bow, Belinda.”

“Members of the Choral Club who sang: “All on a Golden Afternoon” and “Funiculi-Funicula” were: Eddie Audelo, Ronnie Bessex, Stephen Bickler, Lavina Brown, Linda Brown, Aileen Disimoni, Donna Fellows, Michael Freeman, Evelyn Funk, Toni Galceran, John Heppel, Evelyn Heydel, Denton Jones, Donald Keller, Annette Maynard, Suzanne McCraner, Linda Ponte, Linda Reynolds, Marilee Sanders, Stephen Shapiro, Donald Shoop, Linda Stafford, Sharon Stuart, Brenda Stevens, Carly Taber, Lon Teper, Phyllis Tobin, Laura Torris, Lynda Weis, Jim Wigton, Wayne Wilson, Barbara Wisdom, Sandra Wood, Gail Zager, and Domenic Zoccoli.”

“Other numbers on the festival program were a dance, “La Raspa” by Grade IV pupils; “Laces and Graces,” Grade V; “Spanish Waltz,” the Queen’s dance: “Tideo”, Grade II; “Ace of Diamonds” by Grade III; and the concluding number “Maytime Blossoms: presented by the Queen and her princesses and followed by the recessional.”

“The garland girls for the festival were: Patricia Beckstead, Lavina Brown, Donna Fellows, Karen Feri, Beverly Fowler, Aileen Haddow, Evelyn Heydel, Vicki Howell, Patty Hughes, Emma Nava, Cathy Phinney, Marilee Sanders, Betsy Seamen, Sharon Stuart, Cathy Taber, Phyllis Tobin, Laura Torris, Marianne Uyeno, Linda Weis, Christine Wigton, Linda Williams, Sandra Wood, and Gail Zager.”

“Members of the decorating committee were: G. Binford, O. Chaplikn, T. Cressman, C. Rander, C. Brown, A. Jackson, C. Wilson, G. Child, J. Kitterman, W. Jolley, R. Rolfe, F. Blocchi, L. Kline, and L. Moody.”

May Day 1960 Rosemead Review photo
May Day 1960 Rosemead Review photo

Spring Festival, 1960

May Festival 1960. Front row, left to right: Kim Gulley, Larry Foutz, Wesley Brown, Tom Andrews, John Marino, Richard Huddleston, and Steve Martinez. Back row, left to right: Cathy Mott, Annette Wren, Patty Helms, Jayne Yamamoto (Queen), Linda Williams, Marianne Uyeno, and Jeannette Fochesato.


May Festival, 1961. Queen Belva Bell is escorted by Dennis Bane
May Festival, 1961. Queen Belva Bell is escorted by Dennis Bane

“The 8th annual May Day Festival of Wells Elementary School was held recently.”

“A welcome speech, given by Glenn Yoshida, and a fanfare of trumpets by Bruce Davis and John Miller, began the traditional May Fete.”

“Belva Bell, May Queen and her court of princesses, Mary Louise Maraldo, Phyllis Heppel, Stephanie Hughes, Sandra Nava, Rue Phinney, and Judy Schmidt, with escorts Dennis Bane, Paul Helms, John Jackson, Gary Mott, Donald Gomez, Larry Ricci, and Dennis Ritchie, were preceded by the Scepter Bearer, Karen Kline and Crown Bearer, John Larson.”

“Flower girls Debra Jube, Candice Smith, Sherrill Travis, and Barbara Zager strewed the Queen’s path with rose petals.”

“Garland Girls with flowers and streamers lined either side of the processional.”

“Following the coronation by Dennis Bane, the Queen and her royal court watched the program presented for their entertainment.”

“Under Director Warren Lindgren, the Wells School Band played followed by the traditional May Pole winding of crimson, royal blue, and chartreuse steamers by: Karen Sommer, David Morrison, Virginia Yessian, Kenneth Nakamoto, Danielee Swalve, Ray Epp, Karen Fowler, Michael Bayus, Joyce Thomas.”

“And Dick Shahenian, Jeannette Frey and Danny Nava, and alternates were Dorothy Massip, John Miller, Louise Washburn, and Gary Anderson..”

“All students from kindergarten through 6th grade performed dances for the royal court.”

“Court alternates were Susan Cadam, Bruce Davis, Marlene Harer, and John Stone.”

“The Garland Girls were Becky Bye, Gail Cohen, Maria Baylus, Ellen Jolley, Terry Cassano, Karen Grabowski, Gerry DeLautre, Katherine Massip, Rosalie Vander Hayden, Frances Disimoni, and Suzanne Maynard.”

“And Joy O’Brien, Deborah Bell, Betty Keeran, Sue Skinner, Peggy Mott, and Mary Bono.”

Spring Festival, 1962
May 18, 1962 Choral Club singing at the May Festival. Both 5th and 6th graders were in the Choral Club. Row 1 (left to right) : Gary Anderson, Jim Stewart, unknown, Debbie Harris, Marla Bayus, Penny Dunn, Suzanne Maynard, Sandy Harris Row 2: Mike Bayus, Janice Newell, Ray Epp, Gail Cohen, unknown, unknown, Peggy Mott, unknown Row 3: Karen Sommers, Rosalie VanderHeyden, unknown, unknown, Ellen Jolley, unknown as face cannot be seen, unknown as face cannot be seen, Ken Nakamoto. Photo provided by Suzanne Maynard Iannone.

May 17, 1963 May Festival Queen and her Court sitting on the stage left to right, Marla Bayus, Kathy Massip, Ellen Jolley, Queen Rosalie VanderHeyden, Peggy Mott, Janice Newell, Suzanne Maynard. Color photo below.

May 17, 1963: Queen and her Court left to right, Marla Bayus, Kathy Massip, Ellen Jolley, Queen Rosalie Vander Heyden, Peggy Mott, Janice Newell, Suzanne Maynard. Photo provided by Suzanne Maynard Iannone.

Left to right: Marla Bayus, Kathy Massip, Peggy Mott, Queen Rosalie Vander Heyden, Suzanne Maynard, Janice Newell, and Ellen Jolley.May Day Festival, May 17, 1963.

“Wells School held their 10th annual May Day Festival May 17 with Rosalie Vander Hayden reigning queen.”

“Princesses were Ellen Jolly, Peggy Mott, Katherine Massip, Janice Newell, Marla Bayus, and Suzanne Maynard.”

“Escorts were Jerry Witt, Ronald Schram, James Stewart, Dana Wingad, Joe Terazawa, David Cole, and Gary Anderson.”

“Flower girls were Michelle Kapitan, Chris Davis, Cindy Brammer, Kathy Swartz. Scepter bearer: Sherry Mayberry and John Villenueve.”

“After the entrance of the queen and her court, the gala event began with the winding of the may pole by Michael Stefanovich, Robert Benesh, Jimmy Needles, Eileen Dailey, Alonna DeAngelis, Patty Harer, Tommy Nelson, Robert Herdman, Gary Hatch, Kathy Hatch, Dorothy Kapitan, and Zina Lewucky.”

“Each class paraded for the queen and each performed an especially selected dance..”

“The Choral Club sang three selections under the direction of Mrs. Jean Murley.”

“Garland Girls were Debra York, Jann Gulley, Kathy Hinson, Kathy Harris, Cindy Bahruth, Sharon Keller, Marsha Sommer, Sheryl Morgan, Susan Hennings, Elizabeth Eatherly, Lynette Anderson, Cynthia Gleason, Helen Edwards, Carol Yoshida, Evelyn Schytz, Sandra Glant, and Julie Lucas.

MAY DAY 1964

Rosemead Review, May 28, 1964: “The social event of the year for students at Wells School was the May Festival. Ronald Yessian gave the official welcome.”

“The Court was chosen by ballot and included: May Pole Winding by Jann Gulley, Sharon Keller, Marsha Sommer, Helen Edwards, Bambi Nicklen, Carol Yoshida, Rodney Liddell, Michael Jube, Johnny Larson, Michael Martyn, Mitchell Herdman, Richard Sakaida, , and alternates Kathy Hinson, Irene Rodriguez, Lynn Anderson, and Michael Hughes.”

“The Choral Club serenaded the Queen’s Court following the processional which included Kathy Harris, Carol Jorgensen, Dorothy Kapitan, Carol Slama, Loma Sprude, Sheryl Morgan, Kathy Hinson, Debra York, Cynthia Gleason, Lydia Navarro, Sharon Keller, Julie Lucas, Wanda Harp, Carol Yoshida, Bambi Nicklen, Lynette Anderson, Janet Baxter, Jacqueline Nichols, Diana Patti, Rodney Liddell, Michael Hughes, Suzanne Helms, Evelyn Schytz, Buster Proulx, Donna McClanahan, Jann Gulley, Cindy Bahruth, Richnard Sakaida, and Helen Edwards”

“May Queen Eileen Dailey was escorted by James Needles. Princesses Carol Slama, Patty Harer, Dorothy Kapitan, Zina Lewucky, and Loma Sprude were escorted by Robert Benesh, Robert Herdman, Michael Stefanovich, John McInvale, and Gary Hatch. Alonna DeAngelis, Wanda Harp, Sam Magno, and Kenney Compton served as alternates.”

“Flower Girls included Kathryn Michael, Denise Kelley, Jerri Ann Noriega, and Linda Wigglesworth.”

“Crown Bearer was Billy Fruth. Scepter Bearer, MeriLyn Mitchell and Glenn Rickel crowned the Queen.”

“Garland Girls were Debra Jube, Kathy Kato, Sherry Mayberry, Candy Smith, Karen Hager, Linda Haugsted, Sue Ann Slama, Sandra Harp, Ellen Jacobs, Nina Sarancha, Cynthia Samar, Nancy Ricci, Irene Rodriguez, Donna McClanahan, Maria Magno, Peggy Witt, Linda Faryon and alternates Danise McCann and Becky Brammer.”

“Decorations were made and constructed by Mmes. Grant Child, Arthur Keller, Ray Harer, Albert Smith, Donald Mayberry, Ben Kato, James Bahruth, Kenneth Gulley, Ernie Harp, Bruce Nelson, Ted Mitchell, Walter Jube, Gus Sommer, Arthur Larson, Charles Anderson, Jake Yessian, Michael Kapitan, Howard Michael, William Fruth, and G. Slama.

MAY DAY 1965

The Queen’s Court princesses were, left to right: Sharon Keller, Lynette Anderson, Kathy Hinson, Queen Debbie York, Evelyn Schytz, Marsha Sommer, and Bambi Nicklen.
Kathy Hinson, John Larson, Debbie York, Lynn Anderson, and Evelyn Schytz.
Debbie York, Queen of the 1965 May Day Festival.

Rosemead Review, June 17, 1965: “The 12th Annual May Day Festival of Wells Elementary School, Rosemead. The production was under the direction of Mrs. Emma Shuey, principal.”

“Debra York, May Queen, and her court of princesses, Kathryn Hinson, Lynette Anderson, Sharon Keller, Marsha Sommer, Bambi Nicklen, and Evelyn Schytz, with escorts John Larson, Henry Sakaida, Robert Kolesnik, Steven Benesh, Michael Jube, Terry Evans, and Lynn Anderson were preceded by Scepter Bearer Julie Hatchett and Crown Bearer, Keith Braunwalder.”

“Flower Girls, Nancy Orear, Tersa Jenkins, Marie Delgado, and Kim Newbold strewed the Queen’s path with rose petals.”

“Garland Girls with flowers and streamers lined either side of the processional.”

“Following the coronation by Rodnell Liddell, the Queen and her royal court watched the program presented for their entertainment. The traditional May Pole winding began the festivities.”

“Those winding the colorful streamers of crimson, royal blue and chartreuse, were Debra Jube, Steven Benesh, Sue Slama, Mark Uyeda, Cathy Kato, David Essex, Ellen Jacobs, James Hatchett, Candy Smith, Anthony Bono, Becky Brammer, and Nikolay Lewucky.”

“Alternates were Sherry Mayberry, Richard Payne, Nancy Ricci, and Gordon Eatherly.”

“The Wells School Band, directed by Mr. Warren Lindgren, played the Two Tune March and the Jet Pilot March.”

“All the students from Kindergarten through grade six, performed dances for the royal court, and the Choral Club sang “May Carol” and “Come to the Fair.”

“Alternates for the royal court and their escorts were Lydia Navarro, Katherine Grant, William Kiernan, and Laurier Proulx.”

“The Garland Girls were Nancy Lucas, Debra Cleary, Carol Rickel, Kristine Kato, Loreen O’Hagen, Deborah Larrick, Laura Lynn Golson, Bernadette Anderson, Christine Castronova, Merilynn Mitchell, Kimberly Holman, Elizabeth Heath, Dorothy Child, Nancy Nelson, Holly Newell, and Debra Hatch.”


MAY DAY 1966

Queen’s Court with their escorts standing to the left. The two boys in dark suits are, left to right: David Essex and Chris Michaels. The girls on stage are: Sandra Harp, Cathy Kato, Debbie Jube, Queen Sue Ann Slama, Candy Smith, and Nancy Ricci.
Queen Sue Ann Slama is escorted by Jimmy Hatchett.
Princess Cathy Kato is escorted by David Essex.
Christine Kato and David York (front), unknown with Andre Stefanovich rear. They are preparing to wind the May pole.

MAY DAY 1967

Spring Festival, May 1967 photo: Vicky Navarro
Spring Festival, May 1967 photo provided by Vicky Navarro. She wrote: “I’m the girl standing closest to the ladies. Pretty sure it was just before the queen and her court were presented. We were sort of aisle makers vs the lucky actual May pole winders. If I recall correctly, Diane Schmidt (RHS ’74) was our queen. Fun to share those memories.”

Rosemead Review, June 8, 1967: “Her Royal Highness, Queen Nancy Nelson, reigned over the recent 14th annual May Festival at Wells Elementary School in Rosemead.”

“Sixth grade student hostess Kelly Beard welcomed all parents and friends and invited them to enjoy the beautiful spring flowers colorful streamers, music, and entertainment. Planned to honor the queen and her court.”

“Queen Nancy, in a long white gown trimmed in pale blue, was escorted to her thrown by Ronald Boswell down a ribbon and floral corridor formed by garland girls Kathy Evans, Rachael Hernandez, Julie Holman, Kathleen Hunt, Denise Kelly, Sherie Kendall, Dayona Lovmark, Susan Marter, Elaine Mendez, Eloise Mendez, Kathryn Michael, Cynthia Nichols, Jeri Ann Noriega, Eileen Ohly, Susan Rasmussen, and Rene Smith.”

“Tiny first grade flower girls Patricia Eberhardt, Toni Smith, Judy Miller, and Brenda Reynolds dropped petals from pastel baskets at the feet of her highness.”

“Princesses, attired in pastel gowns matching that of the queen, and their escorts were: Dorothy Child and Ronald Teresa; MeriLyn Mitchell and Andre Stefanovich; Kristine Kato and David York; Bernadette Anderson and Charles Alvarez; Nancy Lucas and Michael Andre; Kimberly Holman, and Chris Lundberg.”

“Ronald Boswell received the floral crown from bearer Frank Pacino. He proudly crowned Queen Nancy and presented her with the scepter, which had been carried to the throne by Andrea Willingham.”

“The old English tradition of winding the May Pole was performed by fifth grade students. Other dances were: Ace of Diamonds by second and third grades; Shoemaker’s Dance by first grade; Hokey-Pokey by kindergarten;

Let Us Be Joyful by first and second grades; Cut Down the Old Pine Tree by fifth grade; Crested Hen by third grade; Black Hawk Waltz by the sixth grade; and El Rancho Grande by fourth grade students.”

“The Wells School Band under the direction of Mr. Warren Lindgren played the Silver Waves Waltz and Two Tune March.”

“This delightful program is made possible each year by principal Mrs. Emma Shuey and the willing teachers on her staff and enables each child to participate in this beautiful tribute to spring.”

“The committee of mothers assisting Mrs. Shuey were Mmes. Charles Bradt, Ronald Calabrese, Grant Child, Robert Haugsted, Ben Kato, Glen Kendall, Alan Lundberg, John Miller, Ted Mitchell, Bruce Nelson, Edward Notthoff, Edward Shahenian, and Alfred Smith.”